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Pandawa Prasaja or often called Pendawa Prasa is a Dapur of a keris with 5 Luk. The blade length is normal. This Dapur has Kembang Kacang, a Lambe Gajah, double Sogokan, Sraweyan, Ri Pandan and Tikel Alis. |
Pandawa Ulap or often called Pendawa Ulap is a Dapur of a keris with 5 Luk. The blade length is normal. This Dapur has an Ada-Ada, which is very thin. It has twice Sogokan, Lis-Lisan, Gusen and Kembang Kacang Pogok. |
Pandu Naga or even simply called Pandu is a Dapur of a Tombak with 3 Luk. At the Sor-Soran one finds a double Gandik, replicate the heads of Naga. The bodies are between the heads and go to the sides of the blade to the tip. This is very difficult to make and therefore this Dapur is a rare Dapur. It is often found in the Tangguh Mataram Sultan Agung. |
Panggang Lele is the Dapur of a Tombak with 3 Luk. This type of Tombak is not a weapon of war but one of the Pusaka Tombak. The blade is wide, thick and heavy. |
Panggang Welut is the Dapur of a Tombak with 5 or 7 Luk. It looks almost like Dapur Panggang Lele. |
Pangot is a traditional weapon of Java and Bali which is virtually non-existent. It has roughly the shape of a knife but with ornaments. Only one side of the blade is sharp. At the top of the blade is wider than the haft. It is made from iron or steel. |
Panimbal is a keris of a Dapur with 9 Luk. The blade length is normal. It has Ada-Ada, Kembang Kacang, two Lambe Gajah, Tikel Alis, double Sogokan, Sraweyan and Greneng. This Dapur is popular and therefore more common. It has positive magical powers and increased ownership. |
Panimbal. Palu is a hammer that is required by the Empu in the manufacture of a blade. The hammer is small. The handle is made of bamboo or wood and approx. 45 cm long. The complete forging tools you see here. |
Paningset, Kanjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It is from Dapur Parungsari 13 Luk. The warangka is made of Trembalo wood and hte pendok of gold with precious stones. |
Paniwen is a keris of a Dapur with 9 Luk. The blade length is normal. It has Kembang Kacang, sometimes Kembang Kacang Pogok, two Lambe Gajah (sometimes only one), double Sogokan, Sraweyan and Greneng. The blade supplied with a Kembang Kacang Pogok is thicker than the version with a normal Kembang Kacang. |
Paniwen Sengkelat is a keris of a Dapur with 13 Luk. The appearance corresponds to the Dapur Paniwen, but there are 13 instead of 9 Luk. It is a rare Dapur. In the Keraton Yogyakarta is a Pusaka Keris with this Dapur, the Keris Kyai Kanjeng Mahesa Lengi. |
Panjak is an assistant of the Empu. |
Panji Anom or Panjim Nom, Panji Anem or Panjinem is the Dapur of a straight keris. The blade length is normal but the blade is slightly curved. The Gandik is simple. It has Ada-Ada, Gusen, Tikel Alis and double Sogokan, Sraweyan and Greneng. |
Panji Harjamanik, Kanjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It is from Dapur Pandawa Paniwen according to statements of the Keraton, but this Dapur is not there. Maybe it's a keris of Dapur Paniwen 5 Luk. The warangka is made of Timoho wood and the pendok of gold. It is a duplicate of Keris Kyai Kanjeng Jakutuwa. |
Panji Penganten is a Dapur of a straight keris. This Dapur can immediately recognize, as it has a twin Kembang Kacang. It is quite thick. This Dapur has a Lambe Gajah, double Sogokan, Tikel Alis, Greneng Sungsun, Ron Da Numut, Sraweyan and Kruwingan and Gusen. There is this Dapur with 5 Luk and then called Pandawa Panji Penganten. |
Panji Sekar is the name for two Dapurs of a keris. One is a straight keris with normal blade length. It has Kembang Kacang, a Lambe Gajah, Pejetan, Tikel Alis and Greneng. There is this Dapur but also with 9 Luk. This has an Ada-Ada, Kembang Kacang Pogok, no Lambe Gajah, double Sogokan, Sraweyan and Ri Pandan. Some krisses have not a Gusen, some have. |
Panji Wilis is an addition of gold at the Gandik of a keris or at the Sirah Cecak at the Ganja. This Panji Wilis is attached not only simple but also at a Gandik Kembang Kacang in kinatah Emas. |
Panukup, Kanjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Sempana 7 Luk with additions from Sinarasah Gold. The warangka is made of Timoho wood and the pendok of gold. |
Parang Ilang is a sharp traditional weapon from Eastern Borneo and South Borneo. The shape is like an Arab sword but the blade is wider. The blade has no pamor. The length is approx. 80 cm. It is used in the jungle. |
Parang Landung is a traditional weapon from Eastern Borneo and parts of Southern Borneo. The length is approx. 125 cm and it is therefore more than a Parang Ilang. The blade is wider and a blade side is sharp. It is used in the jungle looking for rattan. |
Parijata is a model of a mendak from Surakarta. It is often decorated with gold or silver. |
Pande Keris is the place where the keris blade is forged. |
Here you can see the Pande Keris of Made Sumardiyasa in Sanur and some of his workings. You can see on Youtube how a keris will be forged in another pande. |