
is a form of a warangka in Surakarta. In Yogyakarta is this form called Branggah and on Madura Daunan and on Bali Godoan. Krisses with this warangka are taken for public events. Krisses with warangka Gayaman are often used against it in daily use. The warangka Ladrang is worn by grooms. The difference to warangka Gayaman is the Angkup, Bapangan or Godongan, Lata and Ri Pandan. From a warangka Ladrang there are many subspecies. See the individual part of the warangka Ladrang and the different models here. On the right is the carrying method of a keris with this warangka at a groom.

Laken Manik, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka keris owned by the Sultan of Yogyakarta. It is from Dapur Sengkelat 13 Luk. The warangka is in fragrant sandalwood. The pendok is a pendok blewahan gold leaf. It was a gift to Sultan Hamengku Buwono V.

Laler Mengeng

is a Dapur of a straight keris. The blade length is normal, the surface smooth, since no Ada-Ada is available. The Gandik is quite long, the Kembang Kacang is reversed and does not project over the Gandik addition. Normally this is a Dapur with a straight blade, but there are also 3 or 5 Luk and so it is with this composite Dapur Damar Murub.




is the Dapur of a Pedang in Java. This pedang is one of the Pedang Sabet. The length is larger than 1 meter. 3/4 of the blade length is straight, to the blade tip, the other 1/4 is bent on the dull side. This Dapur has a Kruwingan.


means handle. In the keris world one speaks at a Tombak of Landeyan. Earlier, about to 1920, also handles of krisses were called so. The Landeyan of a Tombak on Java is usually made of wood and straight. The diameter is about 4 cm. The dimensions go from 45 cm up to 3 meters, it is also called Landeyan Blandaran.

The pieces of a Landeyan Tombak are:

1. blade of the Tombak, 2. Srumbung, 3. Balang Landeyan, 4. Tunung, 5. Sopal, 6. Totog or Pidakan

Lar Bango

is the Dapur of a Pedang Java and also a straight keris. The Pedang is about 85 to 98 cm long. The tip is pointed and 2/3 of the blunt side is straight. This straight part has a Kruwingan. The other side is sharp.

The Dapur Lar Bango for a keris is a rare Dapur. The blade is thin and a thin "waist". It has Kembang Kacang, usually small, only one Lambe Gajah and Greneng.

Lar Bido

is the Dapur of a Pedang Java. The shape is similar to the Dapur Lar Bango. The difference is that in the Dapur Lar Bido the blade is larger, but wider and thinner. This form is not as popular as the sheath, ít is too thick and is not decorated.

Lar Gangsir

is the pamor of a keris and quite rare, since it is no longer made by the Empu. This is probably also the fact that the image is very difficult to do. It belongs to the pamor Miring and also to pamor Rekan. Lar means wings and Gangsir cricket. The magical power is that it helps the owner to defeat the evil spirits. These pamor is not for everyone to possess them. The pamor is in demand and expensive. Read more here.

Lar Ngatap

or Lar Ngantap is a Dapur of a straight keris, which is rare. The blade length is slightly longer than normal. The surface of the keris has no Ada-Ada. The Gandik is simple, the size normal, it has Pejetan, Tikel Alis and Ri Pandan (sometimes not available). The Sogokan is straight and goes almost to the blade tip.


is part of the warangka of a Keris. It is found in the warangka Ladrang and Branggah. It is located behind the Pipi and before Ri Cangkring.


is part of the warangka of a keris and is also available at Ladrang, Branggah, although it is a Ricikan for a warangka Gayaman. It is always on the surface of a warangka except at a Angkup and Godongan at Ladrang and Branggah. It is close to the Ri Cangkring.

Lawe Satukel

is a Pamor. Please read more here.


Legi, Empu

is a known Empu in the era Mataram at the government of Sultan Agung Anyakrakusuma.


Liman Luk Tiga

is a kers of a Dapur with 3 Luk and one of the rare Dapurs. The blade length is normal. At the Sor-Soran you will find a complete figure of an elephant with trunk, tusks, legs and tail. This Dapur has Tikel Alis and Ri Pandan or Tingil.

Liman Lar

is a Dapur of a keris with 11 and Luke is one of the rare Dapurs. This Dapur normally is found in the Tangguh Madura or Nom-Noman Surakarta. The Gandik has a head of an elephant and its trunk constituting the Kembang Kacang. The ganja is usually Kelap Lintah. More Ricikan are Sraweyan and Greneng.


is an ornament of a Metuk Tombak or the Karah of a Pedang..

Lindri, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of the Sultan of Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Pasopati with a warangka from Timoho wood. The pendok is made of gold.


is a Dapur of a Tombak. The blade has three or four cutting edges. Through this type of production, the blade cannot break so well. It is a development of a bayonet. It is often used as a savings warangka ornamental floor and a command stick.

Lingiran Tiga

is a Dapur of a rare straight keris. It has Ada-Ada, which is extremely thick. The Gandik is simple. There is also a Tombak with this Dapur. They are plain and thick. Some Keris experts speak of Dapur Tangkis.

Lintang Kemukus

is a Pamor. Please read more here.

Lintang Mas

is a pamor and looks like an old men. It resembles also Udan Mas but at Lintang Mas the circles are much more. The bar inside is longer than 1 cm. One finds this pamor in the center of Sor-Soran. It is not for everyone to own. They should be capable of easy to earn a livelihood.

Liman Pamuk, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris from Surakarta. It has been taken by Mpu Brojoguno at the time of Sultan Paku Buwono V. The Dapur is Parungsari and the Ganja has Tungkakan Landai.

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