
or Wedidang is a part of a keris which is located below and to the rear of the blade.

Walang Sinuduk

or Walang Sinudukan is a pamor motif, which is a part of the selected ones and not everyone can have it. It belongs to pamor Rekan. The magical power promotes the reputation in society and it is very popular with teachers or religious leaders.

Wallace, Alfred Russel

is the author of the book "The Malay Archipelago". In this book, problems of keris culture are discussed. It was first published in the year 1869th It was reprinted e.g. in 1984 by Oxford University Press in Kuala Lumpur. It is also available as an eBook today.


Waluyodipuro, R.J.

is the author of "Seserepan Bab Dhuwung Tuwin Ubarampe Saha Lalajengipun". It first appeared in 1959, it is in Javanese language and is about the krisses from Surakarta.

Walikukun, Kayu

is a timber that often is used for the production of a handle (Landeyan) of a Tombak. It is straight and almost unbreakable.

Wana, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of the Keraton Yogyakarta. It is from Dapur Parungsari 13 Luk, the warangka is Surakarta style made of Trembalo wood with a pendok Salak Tinatah (Gold).


is a subspecies in the manufacture of a Keris or tombak. They referred neither Dapur, pamor or Tombak but only represents a different character, similar to the Wayang. There are, for example, a keris with the Dapur Tilam Upih and pamor Wos Wutah from the Tangguh Mataram as Wanda Berangsun and as Wanda Kemayu.


is a treatment to clean the keris. It is usually used a kind of arsenic (liquid) or even rat poison (it looks like oatmeal). The activity is called Marangi or Warangi. The success of this cleaning, you can see here.


is the sheath to store the blade of a keris, Tombak or another weapon. The term is usually used on Java, Madura and some other areas of Indonesia. In other areas, the term Sarung Keris is used more often. The material is mostly wood, but there are also ivory, elephant bone, horn or fish bones. It is usually decorated and have many different forms. You can see here many kinds of wood. There are different kinds of a warang:   1. Jawa: Sandang Walikat, Tanggalan, Gayaman and Ladrang  2. Madura: Jurigan, Daunan, Kongbukongan, Gayaman, 3. Bali: Kakandikan, Godoan, Kojongan, 4. Malaysia and Brunei: Dua Hari Bulan, Sari Bulan, Buah Macang. The parts of a warangka you can see here.

Differents Warangkas from Java

Warangka Bangkinang


3 Warangkas Nias

Sandang Walikat

Different Warangkas from Bali

The warangkas are usually manufactured in a village where the owners have dedicated to the manufacture. The opening has been only a small drilled hole, which is when the blade is available to fit extended until later, so that the blade takes place.

Watu Lapak

see Batu Lapak.

Wayang, Hulu

see Hulu Pekakak.

Wayuhan, Warangka

is a changed warangka. Previously there were three kinds of a Warangka: a warangka Ladrang for public and ceremonial occasions, a warangka Gayaman for every day and a warangka Sandang Walikat when it came to war. Thus a warangka Sandang Walikat is a warangka which will be exchanged only on special occasions.


is a traditional Javanese weapon. It was formerly worn by the staff of the Keraton to complete the clothing. Unlike the krisses which are only worn by men, the Wedung can be worn by both, men and women.


or Tepen, is a Pamor. Read more here.

Wewe Putih, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Carita 11 Luk. The warangka is made of Timoho wood. The pendok is a pendok Bunton made of gold and decorated with jewels.


see Tikel Alis.


see Ukiran.

Widengan, Mendak

is a model of a mendak from Surakarta or Yogyakarta. Normally this mendak is without stones or jewelery.

Wiji Semen

is a Pamor. Read more here.


Wiji Timun

is a Pamor. Read more here.


is a part of a keris and it is the blade. In Indonesia there are also the terms Wilah, Awak-Awak. The blades have a normal length from 33-37 cm with a width of a Ganja from 4 to 8.5 cm. There are different names for the alignment of the blade to Ganja :

From left to right:

1. Condong

2. Leleh

3. Mayat

The surface of the blade can have many different forms:

The forms are: Rata, Nggigir Lembu, Ngadal Meteng, Nglimpa and Ngruwing.

Wilut, Ganja

is a form of a ganja of the Keris and it is found at special Dapurs.


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