Macan, Empu Ki

is a known Empu from Madura. He lived in the era of Majapahit.

Madura, Keris

has a very own customized shape. Krisses Madura have their own model of warangka.


There is also a Tangguh Madura, but the era is not to be classified, as there still krisses are manufactured. The Tangguh Madura thus extends over the Tangguh Majapahit, Demak, Pajang, Mataram to Surakarta and Yogyakarta.

Mahesa Dengeng

see Kebo Dengeng.

Mahesa Dengen

see Kebo Dengen.

Mahesa Gendari, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of the Sultan of Yogyakarta from Dapur Mahesa Lajer. The pamor is Wos Wutah and the warangka is made ofTimoho wood. The pendok is made of  tinsel.

Mahesalengi, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of the Sultan of Yogyakarta. The Dapur cannot accurately determined. It could also be Paniwen Sengkelat. This keris is decorated with ornaments Sinarasah gold and precious stones up to the top. The warangka is made of Trembalo wood with a pendok of gold.

Mahesa Lajer

see Kebo Lajer.

Mahesa Nabrang

is a Dapur of a keris with 15 Luk. So it is one of the Keris Kalawijan. The Gandik has quite normal size. The Lis-Lisan starts at the top, Tikel Alis is all along the side of the blade and starts above the Gandik and goes back to the Buntet Cecak. Therefore, the people say it goes to the blade tip.

Mahesa Nempuh

is a keris of a Dapur with 3 Luk. The blade is normally long and wide. This Dapur has a Kembang Kacang, Jenggot (Sungsun), two Lambe Gajah, Tikel Alis and Greneng.

Mahesa Soka

is a keris of a Dapur with 3 Luk. The blade is normally long. This Dapur has a Kembang Kacang, Jenggot, one Lambe Gajah, Tikel Alis and Greneng. Earlier soldiers and warriors have worn krisses with this Dapur. The difference with the Dapur Mahesa Nempuh exists only in the Lambe Gajah.

Mahesa Teki

often also called Kebo Teki genannt, see Kebo Teki.

Mahagoni (mahogany)

is a type of wood that is used to build a warangka on Java, Madura, and Riau. In Brunei it is not often used because it is very hard and can damage the blade of the keris. It is often used for Ploncon, that is a storage for krisses.

Malaysia, Keris

have almost the same shape as Bugis Keris. The Gandik is thin. Unlike krisses from Java they almost always have many Luk, straight krisses are rare. These have then usually the pamor Luwu. The Dapur of the krisses there have these designations :

· Keris Lurus Sepukal

· Keris 3 Luk Suluk Balikung or Sempana Keling, Sonak Pathani or Sonak Undang

· Keris 5 Luk Api Liang, Panimbul or Penimbul

· Keris 7 Luk Jenoya, Parungsari and Sepukal

· Keris 9 Luk Carita, Trasik

· Keris 11 Luk Carita Barantai

· Keris 13 Luk Trasik oder Tambangsari

· Keris 15 - 21 Luk Andus

· Keris 21 and more Luk Lamona or Parung

In Malaysia the Warangka is called Sarung. This resembles a warangka Bugis. It is used much Kemuning wood. There the krisses are worn to complete the clothes as well as on special occasions and also symbolize the social status.


is a pamor and equal to the Pamir Ujung Gunung but returned. It belongs to the pamor Miring and Rekan. The magical power gives the owner power and authority and intimidate people in the environment. This pamor is not for everyone to possess it. Some keris experts call this pamor as Ujung Gunung Sungsang.


is a traditional weapon of the Dayak people on Borneo. The blade is approx. 70 cm long and at the head appox. 6.5 cm wide, near the handle approx. 3.5 cm. A Mandau has only one sharp side. The handle is made of wood and has a particular shape and is decorated with human hair.

Mandrabahning, Kanjen Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of the Sultan of Yogyakarta. The Dapur is like Jangkung Mayat. The warangka is made of Timoho wood and the pendok of gold.


is a pamor, please read here.


is a form to wear the keris in the district of Yogyakarta. The gandar is plugged into the belt and worn with the handle forward. This form is used in horse parades in front of the commander of the soldiers of the Kraton.

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