W |
Winih, Pamor is a pamor which always appears only at the Ganja. This pamor has positive power and is popular. |
Wiradiningratan is a Wanda, a form of an Ukiran Surakarta. |
Ukiran Surakarta Wanda Wiradiningratan |
Ukiran Surakarta Wanda Maraseba |
Wirasat, Pamor is a pamor with a positive magical power. It's a pamor which actually has no pamor image and is found only in the thickness of a line of another pamor, mostly at the pamor kind of Mlumah such as Wos Wutah, Ngulit Semongko etc. They appear metallic and shiny like silver. |
Wiruk, Kanjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the dapur Jalak and the warangka is made of timaha wood with a pendok made of tinsel. |
Wisa Bintulu, Kanjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Urubing Dilah / Damar Murub. The warangka is made of Timoho wood with a pendok Kemalo Sinorok with gold and precious stones. |
Wisa Mandaraji, Kanjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Sengkelat. The warangka is made of Timoho wood. It is Gandariras and is completed with a pendok blewahan from tinsel. |
Wisa Pramana, Kanjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the dapur Sabuk Inten 11 Luk. The warangka is made of Timoho wood with a pendok from tinsel. |
Wisapratanda, Kanjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the dapur Jalak Sangu Tumpeng. The warangka is made of Timoho wood with a pendok Slorok white Kemalo with gold and precious stones. |
Wora-Wari is the Dapur of a straight keris and one uses this term for all krisses Lurus with Gusen, Lis-Lisan. Often this term is also used with the Dapur Sinom so Sinom Wora-Wari. The keris has a Kembang Kacang, Jenggot Sungsun, two Lambe Gajah, Greneng and Ron Da Nunut. |
Wos Wutah is a pamor. Read more here. |
Wuhu is a bow to shoot from Flores made of not easy refractive wood. There the arrows are called Wokat. There are two models Hupe and Wokat. |
Wulan Tumanggal is the Dapur of a Tombak Kalawijan. The shape is like a crescent, without Ada-Ada and Krawingan. The blade is relatively thin. This Tombak is unsuitable for military operations and is therefore used only for Pusaka. |
Wulan-Wulan is a Pamor. Read more here. |
Wungkul or Dungkul or Bungkul is a Dapur of a straight keris. The blade length is normal. The Gandik is quite long. There is only one Sogokan located at the front, the rear one is missing. The keris has a Ganja Dungkul that looks like an upside down W. Krisses from this Dapur are rare and can only be found in old Tangguh. |
Wuwung (1) is the Dapur a keris with 3 Luk. The blade length is normal, the surface smooth without Ada-Ada. The Gandik is simply that Pejetan Dangkal, other Ricikan are not there. In this Dapur only the front side of the blade is sharp, the rear butt. This is a rare Dapur. |
Wuwung (2) is the form of Ganja of a keris. The shape is flat and level as in a ridge of a house. This Ganja often found use in the Tangguh Pajajaran and Tuban. Although it is easy to fit into a keris and Ganja Wuwung deemed posh. |