Sengkelat, Kanjeng Kyai Ageng

is a Pusaka Keris of the Keraton Surakarta at the era of Majapahit.


is a Dapur of a keris with a Luk. The blade is normally long and straight but near the Pesi you find a sharp bend. The Gandik is simple, it has Greneng or Tingil. With this Luk this Dapur is one of the strange Dapurs and is really rare.


see Sempana.


see Sempaner.


is a Dapur of a straight keris. The blade length is normal but relatively thin and without Ada-Ada. This Dapur has a Kembang Kacang. The krisses from this Dapur are symmetrical and have no Ricikan. There is a third option: It has no Ada-Ada and no Gandik and is thin and has a nearly symmetrical Sogokan. The ganja is Wilut. This Dapur has positive power and helps in harmony in marriage or relationship of man and woman, it helps the pair quickly to have children.


is the Dapur of a keris with 13 Luk and it is rare to find. The blade length is normal, thin and without Ada-Ada. The shape is relatively simple, the Gandik is simple and there is only a Sraweyan. Formerly the soldiers of the Keraton wore krisses with this Dapur. There is this Dapur but even with a straight keris blade.


see Nyepuh.


see Sinarasah.

Setan Kober, Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris owned by Adipati Jipang.

Setrabanyu, Empu

is a known Empu from Tesih and he lived at the era of Majapahit.

Setrai, Empu

is a known Empu worked for the Keraton Mataram.

Setranaya III, Empu

is a known Empu who worked  for the Kraton Mataram during the Government of Sultan Amangkurat Seda Tegal.

Sigar Jantung

is a Dapur of a straight keris. The blade is short and wide, the the Gandik thin and the Pejetan narrow. Usually this Dapur has a Ganja Iras. Krisses from this Dapur are scarce. This is perhaps the fact that the blade is simple and without ornaments. Sigar Jantung is also the name for a Dapur of a straight Tombak. This Tombak also is sleek without Ada-Ada. These Tombaks are rare and usually come from the Tangguh Pajajaran or Segaluh.

Keris Sigar JantungKeris Sigar Jantung

Si Ginje

is a Pusaka Keris Mataram. It was manufactured by Mpu Ki Nom or Supa Anom.


or Anyikep Pusaka is a form to wear the keris in Central Java. The Keris is worn between the folds of a Sarung across his chest with the rightward direction. This is done in an emergency or at war.

Siki, Empu

is a well-known Empu in the area Sedayu in the era of the Kingdom of Mataram.

Sikim Aceh

is a Pedang from the region of Aceh. The blade is long and made of iron or steel and the length is between 80 and 90 cm. The cutting edge is sharp on one side, the back is dull, but quite thick. Sikim Aceh is one of the Pedang Sabet. This weapon was used in the Aceh War of the 19th century to the early 20th century.

Sikir, Empu

is a known Empu who is better known under the name Empu Ki Jikir. He lived in the era of the Kingdom of Pajajaran.


is a form of a Sirah Cecak of the Ganja.

Silih Asih

is a form of adding. It can be kinatah, Sinarajah or in a form of a pendok, which is made of two kinds of metal. Normally, these two colors are gold and silver.

Simbang Kurung

is a pamor which consists of only one line and can be found at the Gandik or Kembang Kacang. In a Tombak this pamor appears on one side of the blade. This pamor has magical power to increase the ownership and protect against uncertainties.

Simbang Patawe

is a pamor which consists of only two lines and can be found at the Gandik or Kembang Kacang. In a Tombak this pamor appears on one side of the blade.

Simbang Patawe

is a pamor, consisting of only three bars and they are found at the Gandik or Kembang Kacang. In a Tombak this pamor appears at the Sor-Soran. It has the magical power to increase the stage of possession, so to bring more quality.

Simbar Inten, Kanjeng Kyai Ageng

is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Pandawa Panimbal Singa. A Dapur with this name is not found, however, in the reference books, but it is so called in the Keraton Yogyakarta. The warangka is made of Trembalo wood and the pendok is made of gold.

Simbar -Simbar

is a Pamor, read more here.

Sinarasah (1)

is the Dapur of a keris with 5 Luk. In the blade center you find a relief. It is decorated with gold or silver. There is only one Kembang Kacang, Jenggot and full Greneng. There are also krisses with Sogokan. It belongs to the rare and not popular krisses.

Sinarasah (2)

is the addition of gold or silver on a keris. Gold and silver are applied slowly and are therefore strong. This technique is used for krisses in Bali and Palembang. Often it is called inlay. (see kinatah).

Process of applying Sinarajah 1 forming the opening 2. insert, 3. closing:

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