Sekar Glagah

is a Pamor, read more here.

Sekar Jantung

is a Dapur of a straight Tombak. The blade is thin and flat and symmetrical. The blade is widest at the center. This Dapur has Pudak Sategal and Kruwingan. The Pudak Sategal is larger than at a Keris, because the blade is wider.

Sekar Kacang

see Kembang Kacang.

Sekar Kopi

is a Pamor, read more here.

Sekar Lampes

is a Pamor, read more here.

Sekar Pala

is a Pamor, read more here.

Sekar Sungsun

is a Pamor, read more here.

Sekar Tebu

is a Pamor, read more here.

Sela Karang

is a Pamor, read more here.


is a decoration of a handle for a keris. It has apporx. the size of a table tennis ball and the diameter is about 36 to 44 millimeters. It is made of gold, silver, brass or nickel and often adorned with precious stones.


is a figure in the wayang stories. It appears on a Tombak and a Keris.

Semar Betak

or Semar Semar Getak or Petak is a Dapur of a straight keris. The blade is short, wide and thin. The Sor-Soran is quite thick, which provides at the Gandik an elephant head with a hole at the bottom. This is a rare Dapur and usually has a simple pamor. There is this Dapur with long blade and at the Gandik Sinarasah embellishments can be found. Because this Dapur is similar to the Dapur Betok some keris experts call them as Semar Betok and so it became Semar Betak.

Semar Mesem

is the Dapur of a straight keris. The blade length is short and broad. This Dapur has a Kembang Kacang, but it is very small and has two Lambe Gajah, that are far apart.

Semar Petak

see Semar Betak.

Semar Tianandu

is the Dapur of a straight keris. The blade is short but wide. This Dapur has two Kembang Kacang front and rear. There it is, however, in the version that the Kembang Kacang is mounted above each other. The Dapur has double Sogokan and the Pejetan twice.

Sembur, Pelet

is the image of a pellet on the Warangka. There are black or dark brown small spots on the entire surface of the warangka. They have different shapes, such as round, filled, empty etc. The magical power increases with the acquis, but also feigns to have such a high acquis.


is the Dapur of a keris with 9 Luk and is relatively simple. There are also straight krisses with this dapur. It has only one Kembang Kacang, a Lambe Gajah and Greneng. This Dapur is popular and is often found. The Keraton Yogyakarta has the Pusaka Keris Kyai Kanjeng Panukup with this Dapur.

Sempana Bisu

is the Malayan word for a straight keris. In Java, a straight Keris  is called Keris Dapur Leres or Keris Dapur Bener. So a keris with 3 Luk is also called Sempana Keling.

Sempana Bungkem

or Supana Bungkem is the Dapur of a keris with 7 Luk and it is very well known. This Dapur has a Kembang Kacang but with the particular form Bungkem (jav. = Closed mouth). There is otherwise only the Ricikan Jalen and Tikel Alis. This is a very popular Dapur. It has the magical power to influence  talks positively.

Sempana Kalentang

or Sempana Klentang or Supono Klentang is the Dapur of a keris with 9 Luk. The blade length is normal without Ada-Ada. The Luk are not inward but they are Luk Kemba. This Dapur has Kembang Kacang, Tikel Alis, only a Lambe Gajah and Ri Pandan. It is a relatively rare Dapur. In general, the Dapur Sempana is wanted by people who talk frequently. The Dapur Sempana Kalentang is particularly in demand from retailers.


see Malaysia.

Sempana Manyul

see Sempana Panjul.

Sempana Panjul

or Sempana Punjul or Sempana Manyul is a Dapur of a Keris 7 Luk. The blade length is normal and quite thick. It has Kembang Kacang, Sraweyan and Greneng. There are also krisses with Tikel Alis. It's like Sempana Kalentang a rare Dapur.


is the Dapur of a straight keris. It is also called Sepaner, Sempana Bener or Supana Bener. The blade length is normal. The keris experts believe this Dapur exerts positive forces on the working people, of course, especially for a king. This Dapur has Kembang Kacang, Tikel Alis but no Lambe Gajah. But there are also some krisses with Lambe Gajah. This is a popular Dapur.

Sendang Sedayu, Empu

is a known Empu in the era Mataram during the government of Sunan Amangkurat Seda Tegalarum.


is a dapur of a keris with 13 Luk. It is also called Sangkelat. The blade length is normal and it has Ada-Ada. This Dapur has Kembang Kacang, some blades have Jenggot, some not. There is only one Lambe Gajah, double Sogokan, Sraweyan, Ri Pandan, Greneng and Kruwingan. This is very similar to Dapur Parungsari, with the only difference that it there is only a Lambe Gajah at Sengkelat.

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