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Bima Rangsangis a Dapur of a keris with 25 Luk. It belongs to Keris Kalawijan. The Ricikan consist Kembang Kacang, Jenggot, two Lambe Gajah, Sogokan and Ada-Ada is usually not clear. The translation means Bima who attacks his enemy.
Birawa, Kenjeng Kyaiis a Keris Pusaka belonging to the Sultan Palace in Yogyakarta. It has the Dapur Carita 11 Luk and the warangka is made of Timoho wood. The pendok is staffed from gold and precious stones.
Biringis the common name for a Tombak with a thin and flat peak and is symmetrical. Below the middle of the blade tapers like a waist. The lower part is wider than the upper part. There are three subspecies of Dapur Biring which are Biring Drajit, Biring Lanang and Biring Wadoń. Even the Pusaka Tombak from the Sultan Palace in Yogyakarta Kanjeng Kyai Ageng Pleret is a Bliring Tombak but the subspecies is not known.
Biring Drajitis a Dapur of a straight Tombak. The blade is thin and flat and symmetrical. The blade has a small waist. This tombak has a thin Ada-Ada in the middle of the blade.
Biring Lanangis a Dapur of a straight Tombak. The blade is thin and flat and symmetrical. The blade has a small waist. The shape is almost the same with Biring Drajit, but the part is below the waist differently and the Ada-Ada thinner.
Biring Wadonis a Dapur of a straight Tombak. The blade is thin and flat and symmetrical. The blade is similar to Dapur Biring Lanang but below the waist is the blade thick and has a Bungkul. The Ada-Ada appears clearer.
Blandonganis a vessel, in which soaked the blades of a keris, Tombak, Pedang or other Tosan Aji before they are exposed to the Warangi, washing. After that, it also serves the Warangi. The fluid contains lemon water, coconut milk, etc. A Blandogan is made of hard wood, such as teak wood or wood Asem. The dimensions are 25 inches x 10 inches x 6 inches (75 cm x 25 cm x 15 cm).
Pamor Blarak Ngirid
Blawongis a repository for krisses and Tombak for the wall. It is usually made of teak wood and often painted. The Blawong located in Ruang Tamu ("guest-room), that is the place where one receives his guests. There are 3 to 4 Blawong in this room. Blawong known on Java, Madura, Bali and Lombok.
Blumbanganis also called Pejetan or Pijetan and one of the Ricikan of a keris and is located near the Sor-Soran at the lower end of the blade between Gandik and Bungkul. It has a rather square shape.
Bolang, Pedangis a part of a Pedang, normally a Pedang Sabet at the sharp side of the blade and has the shape of half circles. Pedang with Bolang are more valuable than those without. Also in Sulawesi are Pedang Bolang Bolang or Badík popular and Bolang but there called Rakkapeng so Pedang Rakkapeng or Badík Rakkapeng. For some esoteric keris experts Bolang is not popular.
Bonang Rinentengor Bonang Sarenteng or Bonang Rentengan is a pamor motive for a Keris, Tombak, Pedang or other Tosan Aji. More you can read here.
Bontit, Kanjeng Kyaiis a Pusaka Keris owned by the Sultan Palace in Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Sabuk Inten 11 Luk with pamor Wos Wutah. The warangka is made of Timoho wood and the pendok is made of tinsel.
Bopongis from Surakarta and a part of an Ukiran (handle) and has an Unyeng (knothole) in the "belly". The keris experts there believe that the Unyeng Bopeng has good magic power and protects against property loss. This magical power it possesses but only if the handle is made of wood Tayuman.
Brajaguna I, Empuis a known Empu at the end of the era Mataram Kartasura and the beginning of Surakarta. It should come from Madura. His krisses and Tombak are certainly very strong, because he used a lot of iron. His krisses are longer than ususal in the era of Mataram. The fact that he used mor iron his krisses are heavier than usual. The Kembang Kacang is the modeled wayang kulit figure Bima. He worked for the Keraton (palace) Mataram Kartasura.
Brajaguna II, Empuis a known Empu and the son of Brajaguna I. His krisses and Tombak similar to those of his father, but were a bit shorter and lighter.
Brajaguna III, Empuis a known Empu and the grandson of Brajaguna I. His krisses and Tombak are similar to those of his father Brajaguna II. The Ganjas were thicker and longer than that of his father or grandfather.
Brajakarya, Empuis a known Empu from Surakarta and his works often have the Tangguh Mangkubu-men. His works are known by the Ganja Sebit Ron Tal, the shape is quite bent, the Sirah Cecak pointed etc. The pamor appears on the entire blade and usually can be found pamor Nginden that belongs to pamor Mlumah. The Kembang Kacang mimics a Wayang. The Ron'da is pointed. Without Kembang Kacang the Gandik is wrong constantly. |
Brajasetama, Empuis a known Empu from Surakarta currently Paku Buwono IX. His works have a round Ganja, Sirah Cecak around at the top. The pamor appears very very tight. . |
Brama Dedali, Kangjeng Kyai is a Pusaka Keris of Kraton Yogyakarta. It has the Dapur Tilam Upih and the warangka is made of Trembalo wood. The pendok is a pendok blewahan. |
Bramatama, Empu is a known Empu from Madura late 19th century. He lived in Sumenep. His krisses are good and popular and were at that time in the collection of the Bupati Sumenep and owned by residents. |
Branggah is the form of a warangka in Yogyakarta style. There is a little difference to Surakarta style, where it is called Ladrang. In Madura it is Daunan. The warangka Branggah has a special shape and the rear part has the form of a sheet. This part is called Godongan or Bapangan. In the Javanese language is Godong journal. This type of warangka used by the men at the wedding, but they can also be worn on other occasions. Various forms of warangka Branggah look here.
Brojol is the Dapur a straight keris. There are two types of forms. The first is the blade only 6 - 7 1/2 inches (15 - 19) cm long, thin and flat and was found in ancient krisses. The Gandik is quite thin. Often it has a Gandariras. Often one also finds the term Dapur Sombro but Sombro was a Empu in the era Pajajaran and krisses certainly have the form of the work of Nyi Sombro. In the second type, the blade length is as long as in other krisses, or aprrox. 12 - 14 inches (30 to 35 cm). The Gandik is simple and there is a Pejetan. There is no Tikel Alis and other Ricikan are also missing. It is almost equal to the Dapur Tilam Upih, but has a Tikel Alis. A part of the keris experts believe that Dapur Brojol possesses magical power "to get more clothing," so to increase the status. The translation means to go by or come out unintentionally easily.
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