Tri Sirah

is a Dapur of a keris with 21 Luk. It is one of the Krisses Kalawijan. Most blades are longer than normal. This Dapur has Kembang Kacang, a Lambe Gajah, double Sogokan normal length. It is a rare Dapur.


is a Dapur of a Tombak with three peaks. A Trisula can have different styles at the blade, there are straight blades, 3 or 5 Luk Luk, or a combination of straight blades with twisted blades. The Trisula is very popular, but built rarely new. A Trisula is a Pusaka Tombak and is not required in practice. There is also a Trisula with ornaments and kinatah Gold.


is a pamor of a keris, Tombak or Padang consisting of three different own pamors. For example, the lower part Wos Wutah, the middle part and the upper part Adeg Wiji Timun (see picture below). One finds two or more pamor rarely because it is very difficult for an Empu to make this and therefore this kinds of pamor are more valuable than individual pamors.

Triwindu, Pasar

is a market in the center of Solo (Surakarta) near Jalan Pasar Pon. There you can buy krisses and Tosan Aji. One other place in Surakarta is in the northern part of the square in front of the Keraton.


has, according to the Dictionary of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) the meaning holy, supernatural, blessing, etc. In the world of keris it represents the magic power.


is a pamor of a keris or Tombak and resembles the pamor Kudung. The difference lies in the direction of the angle of the subject. If the angle is down it is Tulak, in pamor Kudung it is upright. This pamor can only be found in the vicinity of the blade tip. It has to protect a positive force against bad intentions of other people. Read morehere.

Tulak, Pelet

is a motif of Timoho wood for a Waranga (Sarung Keris). It consists of thick stripes going from top to bottom. They are black or dark brown, the middle part is slightly darker than the ends.

Tumbar Pecah

is a model of mendak from Surakarta. It has many small round pieces that look like coriander (-seeds).


is a Dapur of a straight Tombak. The blade is symmetrical and thicker than normal. This Dapur is similar to the Dapur Kudup Melati. This Dapur has a large Ada-Ada. These Tombaks were made for acts of war and not as Pusaka. Therefore, they are often found in ordinary soldiers.

Tumbuk Lada

is a traditional weapon in the area Riau and Malaysia. It is rather like a Badík from Bugis and Makassar but the sheath has differences. A warangka of a Tumbuk Lada normally has ornaments and the handle is beautifully carved. Mostly, the sheaths are also made of silver. The length of the blade is 27 - 29 cm and the width approx. 3.5 - 4 cm. From the middle to the hilt, there is a Kruwingan. Formerly a Tumbuk Lada belongs to complete the clothing.


Tumelung Tunggun, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Tombak of Empu Japan. Tombak by him have a value of over EUR 10,000. This Tombak is privately owned.

Tumenggung, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka keris owned by the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Parungsari 11 Luk. From Keraton he is referred to this as normally Parungsari has 13 Luk. The warangka is made of Timaha wood with a pendok Kemalo in white color and a Slorok made of kinatah Gold.

Tumpal Keli

is a Pamor. Read more here.

Tumpang Sari

see Mendak.


is one of the Ricikan of a keris and there are two types: Amba and ciut. Tumperan Amba found in the Tangguh Pajajaran, Segaluh and Jenggala that Tumperan ciut in Tangguh Blambangan, Majapahit, Mataram and Sedayu Senopaten.

Tumper Inas

is the Dapur of a straight Tombak. One also finds the name Tumper Inga. The blade is symmetrical, flat and thick. In the blade center you will find a waist and below the blade is wider. It has Pudak Sategal and Kruwingan.

Tunggak Semi

is a pamor. It is found only on the Soru-Soran a keris, Tombak or another Pusaka weapon. This pamor is wanted by traders because it is believed that it has the magical power to help their shops. It belongs to pamor Tiban and Mlumah.

Tunggal Kukus

see Lintang Kemukus.

Tunggul Wulung

is a pamor. It has the shape of a Manusia with the head, hands and legs. One finds this pamor only at the Sor-Soran in Blumbangan or Pejetan. Following old keris books the pamor protects from disease. It belongs to pamor Tiban.


means foot heel and can be found at the Ganja of a blade. Not all krisses with Ganja hava also a Tungkakan, only the krisses Nem-Neman.


can be found at the top of the handle (Landeyan) of a Tombak. The Tunjung is prevented from metal and it protects the handle not be broken. Above one often finds even ornaments e.g.. a ring.

Tutup Tombak

is the name of the Waranga or the sheath of a Tombak. This s used, so that the blade is secure. One can take this all wood species, which are not too hard, there are Cendana (Sandel), Timaha, Trembalo, Awar-Awar, Suren, Cempaka Kubur and Akasia.


is a Pamor. You find it always at the Sor-Soran


is a Pamor.

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