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Jalak Ruwuh or Jalak Ruh is a Dapur of a straight keris with normal blade. The Gandik is simple, Pejetan, Gusen and Ada-Ada are available. The Dapur resembles Tilam Upih and Brojol, but the blade is thicker. |
Jalak Sangu Tumpeng is the Dapur of a keris with normal blade. The Gandik is simple. Pejetan, Tikel Alis, double Sogokan, Sraweyan and Tingil exist. The magical power enables easy to earn a livelihood. The Keris Kyai Ageng Kanjeng Kopek comes from this Dapur. |
Jalak Sangupati is a rare Keris with a straight blade. This keris has Ada-Ada, Kembang Kacang, Jalen, two Lambe Gajah, only a Sogokan forward Sraweyan and Greneng Sungsun. |
Jalak Sumelang Gandring is the Dapur of a straight keris with normal-sized blade, plain Gandik, Pejetan, a Sogokan forward Tikel Alis, Krawingan and Tingil. The Ada-Ada is reasonably clear to see. |
Jalatunda is a pamor Mumiah and is used in conjunction with a pamor Miring. It is pamor Rekan and not one of the selected pamor motives, so suitable for everyone. For details, see here. |
Jalen is part of a keris and pointed like a thorn. One finds this right under Kembang Kacang. |
Jalu Memet is part of a keris and small and pointed and is located at the bottom of the Gandik. Furthermore you will find the Lambe Gajah. |
Jalu Memet
Jamang Murub is a Dapur of a straight keris with normal blade. This has a particular Keris Gandik because it is inclined to be normal, almost 45 degrees. One finds a Blumbangan, a double Sogokan which is small, however. There is Gusen and a reasonably visible Ada-Ada. This is a rare Dapur. |
Jambea is a knife that originated in Arab countries and is spreading from Algeria to Afghanistan and India. The shape resembles a Taji Ayam in Bengkulu and Lampung but Kruwingan is clear and inside. Jambeas have good quality from Damascus steel and the production is similar to a keris. It is more iron, as this is a weapon to kill the enemy or wounding. The sheath is occupied of metal and precious stones. The handle has a special form. The Gurkha from Nepal, belonging to the English army, had a Jambea as a weapon. |
Jambul is the expression on Lombok for the Japanese term Greening. One finds on Lombok for the word Raeng. |
Janggar is the expression on Lombok for the Japanese term Jenggot. Also part of the population of Bali use this term. |
Janggut see Jenggot, but it is also a part of a Warangka Ladrang and Branggah. One finds this part below the Angkup. |
Jangkung is a Dapur a of a Keris Luk 3. The Kembank Kacang has the form Gula Milir that Sogokan twice and it has a Ri Pandan. Previously had children who wanted to be a scientist or into employment often entered by her father a keris with the Dapur Jangkung because it has the magic power to strengthen the vitality of the objectives to achieve. |
Jangkung Pacar is a Dapur of a Keris Luk 3 with normal blade length. The keris has a Kembang Kacang, Jenggot, two Lambe Gajah and two Sogokan. This Dapur is very rare. |
Janur Sinebit is a pamor. Please read more here. |
Japan, Empu is a known Empu from the time Surakarta Hadiningrat. |
Jaran Guyang is a keris with 7 Luk. One calls this also Dapur Kapal Guyang. The dimensions of the blade are normal. The Gandik is simple, Blumbangan and Tingil and Pejetan exist. This Dapur is suitable for men, pursue the often women. |
Jarot Asem is a pamor of a keris or Tombak and was one of the rare designs. The image is like threads that run in different directions. The keris experts believe this pamor strengthens the heart and increases the willpower. Therefore, this pamor is suitable for those who have a large goals and ambitions. It does not belong to the selected pamor motives and is suitable for everyone. |
Jarudeh is a Dapur of a keris with 9 Luk. The dimensions of the blade are normal and it is without Ada-Ada. This Dapur has a Kembang Kacang, a Lambe Gajah, Jenggot and double Sogokan. In earlier times the servants and soldiers wore the Keraton Keris with this Dapur. It is a rare Dapur. |
Jaruman is a Dapur of a keris with 9 Luk and quite rare. The dimensions of the blade are normal. There is no Ada-Ada, the Gandik is simply, the Sogokan twice and Srawejan exists. This Dapur Jaruman encountered more often than Jarudeh, so they will probably not preferred by the soldiers. The Dapur is good for people who are still working. |
Jatakilat, Kyai and Kyai Parang Sumilir are two Pusaka Keris at the tomb of Sultan Sri Hamengku Buwono VII. It dares not to keep this keris at another location. |
Jati is a type of wood that has been used since the 80s of the 20th century for a warangka. Jati is teak. Earlier Jati was not used because it is a very hard wood and it was feared that the blade of the Keris takes damage. But it is just as well suited as Timoho-, Cendana or Trembalo-wood, but more expensive. |
Jawa Demam is the form of a handle which is known in Malaysia, Riau, Jambi, Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah. It should be a man with a headband and with hands forward. The carving is elaborate and often very fine. Most of this handles are made of hard wood, ivory or silver. It is smaller than normal Java handles, only 7.5 to 8cm. Since the 20-ies of the 20th century it is also called Jawa Demang and is an extension of the handle Anak Ayam. The difference is that Jawa Demam has carvings, Anak Ayam is simple. |
The parts of the hilt Jawa Demam, but also Anak Ayam are 1. Kopf 2. Schnabel oder Nase 3. Balong 4. Rücken 5. Hüftband 6. Betelnuß 7. Grifföffnung |
Jayasukadga, Empu is a known Empu the reign Pakubuwono IX in Surakarta. |
Jelamer is part of a keris (Ricikan) and is so called in Lombok. The Javanese call this part Lambe Gajah. The form is also slightly different and it has not the shape of a spike as Java. |
Jangkung Mangkurat is a dapur of a keris with 3 Luk. |