Cacing Kanil

is a Dapur of a Tombak with 3 Luk, 5 Luk or 7 Luk. The blade is not thin and flat and the luk are also unlike the keris. When the Keris Luk have only two directions, but at Cacing Kanil  many directions (rotated). The blade has a length of  7 - 14 inches (15 - 30 cm) and a diameter of 0.4 - 0.8 inches (1 - 2 cm). In today's time a Tombak is often used without a handle and as a command Stock.



is the name of two types of Dapur. This Dapur can have 11 or 13 Luk. The length is medium in size. Keris Luk 11 have a Kembang Kacang, Blumbangan or Pejetan, one Gajah Lambe. Keris Luk 13 had a simple Gandik but  Greneng. The krisses with 11 Luk are better than with 13 Luk. The blades are slightly thicker than another Dapur.



            Dapur Caluring 11 Luk







           Dapur Caluring 13 Luk

Caluring Regol

is a rare Dapur with 11 Luk. The blade length is normal, but it is thicker than another Dapur, especially at the top. It has no Ada-Ada, a Kembang Kacang, a Lambe Gajah and a Sogokan without Tikel Alis.



Campur Bawur

is a Dapur with 3 Luk. The blade length is normal. The Luk located at the top, so that the blade until the middle is straight. The Sogokan is double. The blade has Greneng and Pejetan. The translation means mixed or mixing.



Carita (1)

is a Dapur of a keris with 11 Luk. The length of the blade is normal. The Ada-Ada appears very clear. It has a Kembang Kacang, a Lambe Gajah and Tikel Alis and Sogokan, Greneng and Gusen. Translation for Carita is fairy tale, legend, story.


Carita (2)

is a Dapur of a Tombak with 11 Luk. The blade is quite thin and has an Ada-Ada. At the Sor-Soran one finds a small Bungkul. There is also the Dapur Carita Anoman that matches the Dapur Carita. The only difference is that Carita Anoman has a double Sogokan at the Sor-Soran.


Carang Soka

is a Dapur with 9 Luk. The blade length is normal and has an Ada-Ada, a Kembang Kacang and Lambe Gajah. It also has Sraweyan and Ri Pandan. The translation is a branch of the plant or tree Ixora.



Carita Bungkem

is a Dapur of a keris with 11 Luk. The blade length is normal. It has a Kembang Kacang Bungkem (closed mouth), a Lambe Gajah and a Tikel Alis. The Ada-Ada is only on the half of the blade. This Dapur is not as popular as the Dapur Sempana Bungkem. Bungkem means with Kembang Kacang.


Carita Buntala

is a Dapur of a keris with 15 Luk. Therefore, this is one of the unusual Keris Keris Kalawijan. The blade length is normal. The keris has Kembang Kacang with Jenggot Sungsun with one or none Lambe Gajah and Ri Pandan. It is a rare Dapur.


Carita Daleman

is a Dapur of a keris with 11 Luk. The blade length is normal. Of this Dapur there are two types. The first has a Kembang Kacang Bungkem, Jenggot Sungsun and Greneng and Ada-Ada, Lis-Lisan and Gusen. The second has an additional double Sogokan. Daleman is a piece of land owned by a king.


Carita Gandu

is a Dapur of a keris with 11 Luk. The blade length is normal. This Dapur has full Ricikan consisting of Kembang Kacang, Jenggot Sungsun, a Lambe Gajah and Srawejyan and Ri Pandan. It is a rare Dapur.

Carita Genengan

is a Dapur of a keris with 11 Luk. The blade length is normal. The Luk are inwardly located (rengkol). Krisses have a Kembang Kacang, Jenggot Susun and only one Lambe Gajah. These also have a double Sogokan, Tikel Alis, Srawayan and Ri Pandan. It is a rare Dapur. Genengan is a hilly landscape.


Carita Kanawa

is a Dapur of a keris with 9 Luk. Nawa means 9. The blade length is normal. Keris have a full Ricikan consisting of Kembang Kacang, two Lambe Gajah, double Sogokan, Tikel Alis, Srawayanm, Greneng, Gusen and Kruwingan. It is a rare Dapur.


Carita Kasapta

is a Dapur of a keris with 7 Luk. Sapta means 7. The blade length is normal, the Ada-Ada thin, so it is hardly seen. It has Kembang Kacang, two Lambe Gajah and Tikel Alis, double Sogokan, Greneng and Kruwingan.


Carita Keprabon

is a Dapur of a keris with 11 Luk. The blade length is normal, there is a Kembang Kacang, two Lambe Gajah, Jenggot Sungsun and Tikel Alis, double Sogokan, Greneng, Sraweyan, Gusen and Kruwingan. This Dapur is very similar to Dapur Sabuk Inten. The consists only in that Sabuk Inten has no Gusen. Keprabon translates posh.


Carita Malela

is a Dapur of a keris with 9 Luk. It is therefore also called Carita Luk 9. The blade length is normal. The Ada-Ada is very thin. It has a Kembang Kacang, Jenggot, two Lambe Gajah and double Sogokan. It is a rare Dapur.

Carita Prasaja

is a Dapur of a keris with 11 Luk and simple form. Prasja is Javanese and means plain. It has only a Kembang Kacang, two Lambe Gajah and no other Ricikan. The translation means plain, simple narration.




is a Dapur of a keris with 7 Luk. It is also called Crubuk. The blade length is normal. It has a Kembang Kacang, a Lambe Gajah, Sraweyan and full Greneng. Tradition has it that this was requested by Dapur Empu Supo Anom alias Jaka Supa on appointment of senior officials known Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga on Java in order. If you follow some of the keris experts this Dapur is good to own for those who are interested in religion and spiritual sciences. Carubuk is a fish species.


Carubuk Lenceng

is a Dapur of a straight keris. The Gandik is simple, the length normally. The blade is without Ada-Ada. It is a rare Dapur.



is a rare Tombak with 4 blades, a large and three smaller ones, which surround the large. This is not a Tombak for soldiers, but only for Pusaka. Often this Tombak has pamor Wos Wutah. The Pesi of this Tombak is larger than usual.


Ceblokan, Pamor

is a pamor that appears on a leros or Tombak between other pamor motives. It is usually only given the dominant pamor motive so e. g. only pamor Wos Wutah indicated if it occurs with this, except when other Titipan pamor motives as Gaibul Guyub, Slamet, Kuta Mesir, Kudung or other. They are often found in Surakarta.



                                               Kuta Mesir is a Pamor Ceblokan



is a model of a handle from Bali. The shape is stylized wooden rods. The handle is approx. 6 inche (13 cm) long. Normally, a ring or mendak is found.


is a model of a handle from Bali. It has a large "head". This handle was formerly used for a Keris with a warangka Gayaman. Normally, this handle is made Timoho wood., On Bali Purnam Sadha wood is called Areng or ebony. This is a plain handle, unlike other Bali handles. In Java you will find the Cecekahan Robyung (Sungsun) handle.




Cecekahan Robyong

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