Dieses Buch ist im Jahr 2011 in Indonesischer und Englischer Sprache erschienen. Es hat 380 Seiten und enthält 400 farbige Abbildung inkl. 55 Seiten speziell für Tombak. Es behandelt Javanische Keris, Autor ist Hadinagoro, Sukoyo. Das Gewicht beträgt ca. 2,5 kg. Da es in Englisch ist füge ich die Beschreibungen in Englisch ein:


The Characteristic of Keris


In kerisologi’s writing “Keris untuk Dunia (Keris for The World)” published by Yayasan Panji Nusantara it has been explained systematically and easily understood about the characteristic of the keris. In this writing, most of the references come from this book (Keris untuk Dunia). Keris has different construction compared to other stabbing weapons. Knife for instance, it is always perpendicular to the hilt or to the handle. Unlike keris, keris blade is usually slanted from the hilt, and its surface is always asymmetrical. The inclination of the blade reaches 20–30 degrees and so it stands in the position not fully perpendicular. This proved that there is a progressive evolution of the keris. In spite of remaining of being a stabbing weapon, yet the quality of the keris is more advanced than stabbing weapon made during bronze/ knife era ...

A Very Common Mistake in Taking Care A Keris


Like other antique and art items, a keris is needed to be periodically treated. So that it is avoided from corrosion and rust, which can destroy to the keris. Especially in the part of ricikan keris, pamor pattern, blade, and the form of dapur in its entirety. Turning out that, people treating toward kerisses is not always proper. Some people treat keris in a wrong way, instead, it will corrode…

The Charateristic of Keris

Keris and ist Function

Classification and Group of Keris

Several Terms of Keris