
is part of an Epek, a special belt and it is the lock of this belt. It has a special form and is usually made of brass. But there are also high quality ones made of silver or gold. It has various forms.



is part of a Ganja and is right at the top there. It is very small and not to be confused with Ri Pandan. It is found separately and not together with Ron Da, Ronda Nunut or Ri Pandan.


is a traditional Tombak of the Toraja in Sulawesi. It is made of bamboo and was used in former times for boar hunting.

Tiris, Empu

is an Epmu from Blambangan at the era of Majapahit. He is often called Empu Tiris Blambangan.

Tirtadangs, Empu

is an Empu in the era of the kingdom Surakarta. The krisses from him are Tangguh Mangkubumen.

Tirta Teja

is a Pamor. Read more here.

Titipan, Pamor

is a pamor which is attached after the keris is already finished. So the krisses e.g. with pamor Wos Wutah and it is still the pamor Kol Buntet attached. Kol Buntet is then a pamor Titipan. One also finds the term Ceblokan for it.

Tlale Gajah

is a part of the kembang kacang. Read more at Kembang Kacang.


is a Dapur of a straight Tombak. It is very similar to Dapur Baru Kalantaka. In the middle of the blade it has a waist. The part is below wider than the upper part. The blade is thick and has Ada-Ada and a small Bungkul. Near the Mentuk the blade has the shape of an ellipse.


is a traditional weapon which is known throughout the world. We know it as spear. In principle, there is a Tombak of two major parts, the spear blade and the handle. In Java, the handle is called Landeyan. It is made of wood, bamboo or rattan. The length ranges from 40 cm up to 360 cm. The blade can have many different forms and is 12 to 60 cm long and 1.5 to 15 cm wide. In Java, the blades usually have a pamor.

Soldiers of Keraton Yogyakarta wearing a Tombak in the hand and a keris back in the belt

The ricikan of a tombak you can find here.

Tosan Aji

comes from the Javanese language and indicates a traditional weapon of iron which are belong to the pieces of Pusaka. It literally means valuable iron. In the Indonesian language, the term Besi Aji or Senjata Pusaka is often used. These include not only krisses but also Tombak, Pedang, arrows, Kujang, Kudi, Wedung, rencong, Badík, Tumbuk Lada and others.


is the Dapur of a straight Tombak with fairly thick blade. The upper part looks like in Dapur Godong Andong, the central portion has a waist. It has a great Bungkul over the Metuk and an Ada-Ada. It is like the Dapur Sadak, but the blade is thicker. This Dapur is often used by soldiers.

Toya Mambeg

is a Pamor. Read more here.

Toya Tinaban, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of the Kraton Yogyakarta. It comes from the Dapur Jangkung Mayat. The warangka is made of Timaha timber with a pendok of tinsel and decorated with precious stones.

Trembalo, Kayu

is a timber that is used for handles or Warangkas for a keris. There are two varieties: Trembalo Aceh of Sumatra and Java Trembalo. In other areas, it is also known as Ambon. In the area of Riau one finds the name Ambalun or Balau Bunga. This wood is wanted by those who love a lot of strokes.


is a Pamor. Read more here.

Tri Murda

is a Dapur of a keris with 9 Luk. It is one of the krisses Kalawijan because the blade is longer than usual. The Ricikan are just plain Gandik with Tikel Alis. Krissess with this Dapur are rare and mostly antique keris.

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