
is a technique to attach a handle on the Pesi a traditional weapon. On Java it is applied only for Pedang, not for Keris or Tombak, as it is very difficult to remove the handle again. It is used to paint, which is heated, and the opening of the handle is dripped.

Jaga Rumeksa

or Jaka Rumeysa is a Dapur of a keris with 11 luk and it is one of the rare Dapurs. The Gandik is very simple and normal length. This Dapur has a Sogokan, which is very long and reaches almost to the blade tip. More Ricikan is Ri Pandan. This Dapur is usually only found in krisses of old Tangguh.

Jaga Upa

or Jaka Upa is the Dapur of a straight keris with normal blade length. It has no Ada-Ada, the Gandik is simple. There are two Sogokan, but they are very short and without Greneng or Ri Pandan. This is a rare Dapur that one usually finds at antique krisses.

Jaglir, Hulu Keris

is a handle for a Balinese keris. The handle looks very simple and is not as elaborate as you know the other handles in Bali. The length is approx. 13 cm.

Jaka Kusuma, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of the Keraton Yogyakarta. The Dapur is Jalak Dinding and pamor Wos Wutah. It was manufactured during Hamengko Buwono V. era from Empu Lurah Mangkudahana.

Jaka Piturun, Kanjeng Kyaiageng

is a Pusaka Keris of Kraton Yogyakarta. The Dapur is Jalak Dinding and the warangka is made of Timoho wood. The pendok is open from tinsel and precious stones. The Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII. gave this keris to Bandoro Raden Mas Darajatun who specially returned from a school in the Netherlands and arrived three days before the death of the ruler on 10/22/1939. This keris is from the era of the first Sultan of Yogyakarta (1755).

Jaka Pratama, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of Keraton Yogyakarta. The Dapur is Sengkelat 13 Luk. The warangka is made of Timoho wood with a pendok of gold. It is a duplicate of Keris Kyai Kanjeng Sengkelat. Who made it is not known. It came at  Hamengku Buwono II. era in possession of the Keraton.

Jaka Senkala, Empu

was an Empu.

Jaka Supa

was an Empu at the end of the Majapahit era. He lived until the beginning of the Mataram Sultan Agung era. He has become very old and has started early with the blacksmithing and there are some well-known works by him. He is also known under the name Supa Anom.

Keris Dapur Sabuk Inten by Jaka Supa

Keris Dapur Carubuk by Jaka Supa

Jaka Sura

was an Empu and was also called Adipati Jenu. He came from Jipang, a border between Central Java and East Java. He lived at the end of the Majapahit era. His krisses were quite thick.

Keris Sajen with Pesi, which has a hole and  is a work of Empu Jaka Sura.

This is a wavy keris work by Empu Jaka Sura.

Jaka Tuwa

is a Dapur of a straight keris with normal blade length. The Gandik is simple and the Dapur has Tikel Alis, Pejetan and a small Sogokan. The Dapur is also called Jaka Upa but this is wrong, because only the Dapur Jaka Upa may be so called. The translation is old youth.

Jaka Tuwa, Kanjeng Kyai

is a Pusaka Keris of Sultan Palace in Yogyakarta. It estimated the Dapur Pandawa Paniwen Panji Sekar. The warangka is made of pelet wood Kendit Putih. The pendok is a pendok blewahan from tinsel. This Keris has been given to the Sultan Hamengku Buwono II.

Jaka Upa

see Jaga Upa.

Jalada, Pamor

see Aerolit.


is the Dapur a straight keris with a wide blade and normal length. The Sor-Soran is quite thick, the Gandik simply, Pejetan superficial and Sogokan twice, but very narrow compared to other krisses. This is an ancient Dapur. Some keris Buda belong to this Dapur. In Keraton Yogyakarta there are two krisses with the Dapur Jalak namely Kanjeng Kyai Gutuk Api and Kanjeng Kyai Sura Lasem. The translation is singing bird.

Jalak Barong

see Jalak Makara. The translation means powerful singing bird.

Jalak Buda

is the Dapur a straight keris with wide, short and thick blade. The form is turned in that Gandik easy Pejetan superficial Sogokan twice and thin. Keris experts assert Jalak Buda was the first keris shape in Indonesia, and even, have been worldwide. This Dapur has a positive magic power. Mistakenly all krisses from the Buddha era are called Jalak Buda, but they also come from the Dapur Betok and Brojol.




Jalak Dinding

or Jalak Dinding is a Dapur of a straight keris with normal blade length. This Dapur has Gusen, Pejetan and Tingil. This Dapur is very similar to Dapur ilam Sari. The only difference is that the Gusen are as long as the blade. The Pusaka Keris Kyai Ageng Kanjeng Jaka Piturun has Dapur Dinding.




Jalak Dinding

see Jalak Dinding.

Jalak Makara

is the Dapur of a straight keris that resembles the Dapur Jalak, but the Gandik has the shape of a figure Makara (Animal head). Therefore, some people call this Dapur Jalak Barong or Barong.


Jalak Ngoceh

is the Dapur of a straight and the blade is flat, since it has no Ada-Ada. The Gandik is simple and has normal size, it has Pejetan and Greneng Robyong. Some say this Dapur is suitable for farmers and poultry farmers. Jalak Ngoceh means twittering bird Star.

Kode : 985/ Dapur : Jalak Ngoceh / Pamor : Tebu Kineret /Tangguh : Tuban /Aura :Kode : 985/ Dapur : Jalak Ngoceh / Pamor : Tebu Kineret /Tangguh : Tuban /Aura :Kode : 985/ Dapur : Jalak Ngoceh / Pamor : Tebu Kineret /Tangguh : Tuban /Aura :

Jalak Ngore

is the Dapur of a straight keris and the blade has a normal length. The Ada-Ada appears very clear and goes up to the blade tip. The Gandik is simple. This Dapur has a Pejetan, Tikel Alis (usually superficial and not visible), and Sraweyan Greneng.

Keris Pusaka Jalak Ngore

Jalak Nguwoh

is the Dapur of a straight keris and the blade has a normal length. The Ada-Ada is clear and thick to the blade tip. The shape is similar to the Dapur Tilam Sari. Some keris experts call this Dapur Jalak Nguwuh, but that's probably not really because Nguwoh means "bear fruit" and Nguwuh has a different meaning.


Jalak Nyucup Madu

is the Dapur of a straight keris and the blade has a normal length. The blade is flat and has no Ada-Ada. The Gandik is simple, there are Pejetan, Greneng and a short Sogokan. It is narrow and on the inside. A Tikel Alis exists.

keris jalak nyucup madukeris jalak nyucup madu

Jalak Piturun

is the Dapur a straight keris and is also called Jaka Piturun. The blade has an Ada-Ada. That Gandik is simple, a Pejetan exists and Sogokan is twofold. The shape is almost equal with the Dapur Jalak Sangu, but Jalak Piturun has no Tikel Alis and the Ada-Ada also appears not very clear.

Jaka Wuru

is the Dapur of a keris with 11 Luk. The translation means love drunken youth.

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